Healing Dance® Underwater Basics (HDUB) is designed as a first underwater course for students who have already taken surface courses, such as WATSU® I or Healing Dance I. HDUB is a 5 day course that specifically prepares you to take Shape & Space and Above & Below, the two major underwater trainings of Healing Dance. The transition to submerging receivers rather than merely supporting them on the surface entails learning several skills before one can take a receiver safely underwater. The fundamentals covered in the course include how to a) read the breath precisely; b) signal appropriately; c) offer and remove the nose clip; d) unweight the head on submerging; e) give the head freedom underwater; f) gauge the amount of time spent underwater; g) maintain the absolute space; h) soften the hands in grips; i) use one's weight and breath to create deep movements; j) travel in the pool, and k) pre-support the head on surfacing. Participants learn a surface warm-up followed by a sequence of thirteen submergings arranged in an order that could be used in a session. A written and photo manual are provided and an MP4 of the sequence is made available. This is a core course in the Underwater Practitioner Certification.
It is 42 hours in length over 5 days and serves as a prerequisite to Shape & Space or Above & Below.
Registration Cost: $800 Early birds get a discount! + Accommodations
/CampingPrerequisite: Healing Dance I or WATSU I