Pool Area Etiquette

Enjoy the quiet. We cherish the quiet contemplation and relaxation these waters bring, and many guests travel long ways specifically to reach the peace and silence of our springs. Please notice signs designating a pool or area as a silent place, and limit sounds in neighboring areas to quiet conversations.

Respect privacy and modesty. Many are sensitive about their bodies and not used to the vulnerability of nudity. Bathing suit or not, one inappropriate glace can be offensive enough to ruin another person’s experience.

No photography. No electronics. For the safety, privacy and comfort of our guests in a clothing optional environment, cameras, electronics and cellphones are not permitted anywhere near the pool area. Electronics may be used in designated cell areas only.

Sexual expression. We love that Harbin is a romantic place for some guests, but know that physical expressions of love can cause great discomfort when on display. Please reserve all sexual activity for the privacy of your lodging.