Construction begins on the new, permanent Poolside Dressing Room building

August 24, 2022
Harbin Staff

Construction on the permanent Poolside Dressing Room and Steam Sauna begins August 25. Rebuilding the dressing room and steam sauna is a long awaited and exciting step. The new two story dressing room will replace the temporary dressing room “tent” we’ve had set up near the warm pool and will also allow for the construction of the new Steam Sauna. You might remember the historic Fern Dressing Room? A space that was always welcomed and appreciated on a chilly day or cold winter night, where one could step inside the warm room after a long soak, bundle up in the cozy space, and head off into the night under the starry sky. This new permanent building will be located in a similar area and will be a welcomed addition to the pool area. And this construction will include our brand new steam sauna, bringing even more bliss to your hot springs experience. (Our beautiful and expanded dry sauna is currently open!)

Visualize along with us as we begin construction of this beautiful and useful new poolside dressing room.

We’ll start construction in late August with excavation of the area for the retaining wall and infrastructure, then move on to the foundation. Yes, this is going to be noisy sometimes! We’ll do our best to do the loudest work at the least busy times, when at all possible. Our construction team is amazing. So while we ask you not to get close to construction sites for everyone’s safety, definitely send them the best vibes and energy while they create this space for us all. We hope by keeping you informed on the construction plans it will help “soften” the noise a little, simply by knowing what to expect on your visit.

So… please plan for this noise during business hours on the weekdays. There are lots of spaces around Harbin to wander throughout the canyon during the daytime noise to find quiet. The cool waterfall, bubbling creeksides, meadow area, and hiking trails each offer peaceful quiet and respite from the world, and from the construction during your visit. 🙂

The lower dressing room will remain open, so plan on using that for a while. While the construction is happening near the gated entrance to the pools we may redirect foot traffic as needed. So keep aware of signage as things might change a bit over the next few months when you visit.

Check back for photos of the progress and keep us in your social media feed for updates. And join us in the excitement of making this big step, one of many we’ll be taking to fully rebuild.

Thank you for your understanding!

Harbin Hot Springs

A Spiritual Retreat Center
18424 Harbin Springs Rd., Middletown, CA 95461
Reservations: (707) 987-2477
Spa: (707) 987-2477 ext. 2000
Harbin Hot Springs strives to provide a safe retreat sanctuary for guests.
We will not tolerate any form of harassment and/or discrimination.
Harbin is an alcohol and drug free retreat center.
©2025 All Rights Reserved.
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