Events: Express, stretch, breathe, dance and more

July 28, 2022
Harbin Staff

Have you taken a look recently at our calendar of educational, spiritual, inspirational and entertaining events? We have a lot going on for you to explore during your visit. In addition to our weekly classes, we have special performances and visits by DJs and musicians throughout the month. Seasonal and moon ceremonies have returned to celebrate together. And yoga classes are offered twice a day, Thursday through Monday, to begin and end your day in bliss.

Attending an event during your visit can make your retreat at Harbin even more memorable. Sharing and gathering together can be such an enjoyable way to share your Harbin Experience with fellow guests, while expanding your heart and mind. Browse through the descriptions on the calendar to see what interests you, then create you own perfect retreat. You are welcomed and encouraged to participate in our events at a level that feels comfortable to you.

Events are generally held in the new Events Center, just steps from the lower Garden area. Unless otherwise noted, events are free to Harbin guests although donations are often accepted. Here are some of the weekly offerings happening this summer:

Sharing Circle with Jivan Our daily lives are full of stressful thoughts, emotions and beliefs about ourselves and others. In this sharing circle we will create a safe container which will enable us to look and share how we feel right now. From there we will process deeper. This will allow us to dive inward and see where are those feelings are coming from, and how they are connected to our belief systems. This will give us an opportunity to free ourselves from toxic stories about ourselves, which stand in our way to be fully present and truly alive.

Chakra guided healing with Sabina Marie Learn easy to use, accessible and affordable tools for self care, healing and personal awareness –guided by your own 7 chakras. Weekly classes held every Monday 1-2pm as we dive deeper into a new chakra each week!

Introduction to the 7 main chakras begins August 1st. Each class stands alone and holds space for you join any week!

Weekly Guided Wisdom Healing Qigong Session

Join RLane, Harbin Minister

“Learning to effectively utilize chi, or life force energy through specific meditative movements, visualizations and sound technologies, Qigong helps transform pain, stress, disease and trauma of all types – mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.” Mingtong Gu

Movies at Harbin! If you’re feeling more in the mood for a thriller than a meditation, or want to belly-laugh all evening with friends to a fun comedy, come watch a movie… and then enjoy a soak!

We thoughtfully curate a great selection of old time favorites and the best new hits. A tradition for Harbin, movies are a fun way to gather and create a group experience.

Postings are on the event calendar and when you arrive check the updated listings. Then, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

Bookmark the events calendar to keep an eye on what’s happening. We look forward to having you here.

Harbin Hot Springs

A Spiritual Retreat Center
18424 Harbin Springs Rd., Middletown, CA 95461
Reservations: (707) 987-2477
Spa: (707) 987-2477 ext. 2000
Harbin Hot Springs strives to provide a safe retreat sanctuary for guests.
We will not tolerate any form of harassment and/or discrimination.
Harbin is an alcohol and drug free retreat center.
©2025 All Rights Reserved.
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