Where does Harbin's water come from?
Although there are numerous tiny springs all over the hills, several primary springs are currently being used by our water system: two hot springs feed our hot/warm pool complex; one cold spring feeds the other pools; one high mountain spring supplies our drinking water. The spring water originates as rainwater filtering down through the aquifer, a giant basalt cap on Boggs Mountain. A "tail" of basalt curves down our valley, providing a line of delicious cool water springing from its lower edge.

How does the pool purification system work?
Soaking water is constantly being pumped from all pools and passed through a state-of-the-art treatment system using absolutely no chlorine. This system combines filters, peroxide and ozone injection, and ultraviolet sterilizers to remove all foreign matter and bacteria before recirculating the water back to the pools.
More than 250 gallons per minute are passed through this system from the Warm Pool alone, assuring that its water is completely cleaned and replaced every hour. The Cold Plunge water is also replaced every hour.
Peroxide is water with an extra oxygen atom (H202), and ozone is oxygen gas with an extra oxygen atom (03). When organics are encountered, the extra oxygen atoms detach themselves radically oxidizing them and leaving behind nothing but water and oxygen. No chemical additives such as chlorine or bromine are necessary.
Peroxide levels in the pool water are closely monitored. If the Warm Pool water appears cloudy at times, take a closer look. You will see thousands of tiny oxygen bubbles at work, keeping the water clean.
Our peroxide, ozone and ultraviolet systems are on the cutting edge of modern pool technology, and exceed health department pool-water standards. The high cost of maintaining this system – over $100,000 a year – is more than justified by our concern for health and naturalness. We hope you agree.

How are the pools heated?
According to our pool system supervisor, two natural hot mineral springs are the heart of the Hot and Warm Pool complex. These springs arise from deep within the earth where volcanic action heats the waters, with thermal convection forcing the waters upward. We capture the springs just before they reach the surface, combine and filter the water, and then pipe it into the Hot Pool at a rate of about 14 gallons per minute... over 800 gallons an hour.
No man-made heating system is required for these two pools. Although the water has cooled considerably by the time it reaches us and lls the Hot Pool, the resulting pool temperature remains at approximately 113° F. The hot water overflow from the Hot Pool is fed to the Warm Pool at about 14 gallons per minute, supplying both heat and water refreshment. This maintains the Warm Pool temperature at 96° to 98° F., depending upon the season.
The Heart Pool, Cold Plunges and Swimming Pool, in contrast, are filled and refreshed with pure cold spring water. The temperature in the Heart Pool is maintained at 95° to 98° F. by an energy-efficient heat pump. The temperatures of the Cold Plunge and Swimming Pool are adjusted as needed using cold and hot spring water.

How is Harbin's drinking water treated?
Due to the application of strict State regulations, Harbin is required to treat drinking water (which does NOT include our spring pool water). We treat drinking water with minimal amounts of chlorine, and a system of filters to remove residual chlorine. We’ve experienced no noticeable difference in the quality of our famous mountain spring water.
Our intention is to offer our guests the highest quality and safest water through the use of the best equipment and water purification processes.
Where does Harbin's irrigation water come from?
Where does Harbin's irrigation water come from? The water utilized for pool-area hosing – as well as lawn and garden irrigation – comes from the lively little creek that flows through the mainside area.