Movement Therapy Workshop - Moving, Dancing & Sounding Somatics.
Expressing our Underbellies - Our Shadow Work. Diving Deep into our Unconscious & Conscious Wounds of Past & Present.
Prerequisite: None - We Show Up As We Are!
Join Heather's 5Rhythms family in “Dark Matter” in the winter, spring, summer & fall. All seasons have a specific focus (with the end of winter, we are literally bringing more light on to what has been dark) a sacred time for shadow work. We unveil the dark matter within a safe container of somatic practices and an intention to awaken, move the issues out of the tissues - 4 meet-ups a year. We will rattle our dancing bones, shake up our forgotten/remembered memories, as we dive deep into our emotional & physical traumas individually & as a collective. Giving ourselves & others the gift of authentic transparency with presence. THIS combined with Hot Springs - can detox & shed what is not ours, renew, restore & balance the mind-body. Clearer expression & new depth to ourselves can emerge through moving meditations. A workshop to cleanse the body, heart & soul. Heather's guided 5R maps - flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness + (MIP) movement therapy is much like meditation - we watch the mind, thank it, come back to the body - not the story. You may find yourself in a journey - being witnessed & taken by the unfamiliar or familiar. The transmission of Heather's teaching & embodiment is powerful YIN - like the waters at Harbin. Both remind us to FLOW and that is where we begin.
About the Instructor: Heather Christensen (aka
Hataatii) is the director of the yoga/dance program at Harbin. Her
classes/workshops at the springs give a transmission of “Sacred &
Present Embodiment”. This flowing mastery began with early training in
ballet at Juilliard/SAB. She later danced professionally with
Ballet/Modern companies. Trained in Standing Wave, Kundalini, Ashatanga,
Hatha & Aerial Yoga + 5Rhythms & Emotional Release Maps with
Gabrielle Roth. She has studied, lived & taught in retreat centers
for over 30 years - Esalen & Harbin. A Seasoned Certified - 5Rhythms
Facilitator, Yoga Teacher + Esalen Massage Therapist. She loves to
bring all walks of life into transformation through music, massage,
dance and yoga.
Registration cost: $75-$175 sliding scale + Accommodations/Camping
More Information: Call or Text Heather at (415) 553-0924
Registration: Venmo Heather - Hataatii
Register for this workshop, then make your Harbin Hot Springs lodging or camping reservations at: