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Healing Dance®
Reflecting & Mirroring

Instructed by Inika Spence-Whaley

June 22 - 25, 2025
(Sunday - Wednesday)
Register by emailing the instructor:

Relating & Mirroring is a 25 hour course focusing on perhaps the most important aspect of aquatic bodywork: that our receivers feel felt, and that as givers we are able to truly feel and mirror them in all dimensions—physical, emotional and spiritual. The recent discovery of mirror neurons in the brain has provided our generation with a scientific basis for empathy. In the training we will delve into this neurophysiological phenomena underlying our social interactions before focusing on how it translates into the water. On land we will experiment with dance mirroring exercises, authentic movement and exercises to fine-tune presence. In the water we will develop the skills and perceptual framework to follow and support receivers in their movement and stillness. A few of the principles we will explore include using the water, joining, extending and supporting.

Not only will the course train us to better accompany our receivers, but it will also offer a setting in which we ourselves as receivers may allow our own unwinding and soul dance to unfold. Additionally, we will practice the verbal skills to create the invitation and safe framework for our receivers to flow into their own movement impulses.

This is a core course in the Practitioner Certification. It is 25 hours in length over three days or 2 half days and 2 full days. Many students come back to this class again and again for healing or personal growth.

Registration Cost: $475 Early birds get a discount! + Accommodations/Camping
Prerequisite: Healing Dance I or WATSU I
Register for this workshop, then make your Harbin Hot Springs lodging or camping reservations at:
About Inika Spence-Whaley
Water has always been my element. As a small child, I was building sandcastles and playing in the waves at the beach. When a friend recommended I visit Harbin Hot Springs and experience being “swished around” in the water, I went — and got hooked! I spent 20 years there, playing, experimenting, and learning this work in the “Mother” warm pool, where aquatic bodywork was born.
After taking a Healing Dance class with Alexander George in 1996, I knew it would be “my modality.” I learned how the water guided me into flowing movements and transitions. My classes are shaped by my extensive experience as a practitioner (1996-present). I bring grace to the water and convey it to my students through my knowledge of movement and my background in yoga, tai chi, dance, and meditation.

I’ve had the great fortune of studying with the founders of Aquatic Bodywork. I began teaching in 1999 and have since taught in many countries. In 2013, I became the Director of the Harbin School of Healing Arts until it tragically burned, along with the retreat center, in 2015.

Harbin Hot Springs

A Spiritual Retreat Center
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We will not tolerate any form of harassment and/or discrimination.
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