Healing Dance® I constitutes a paradigm shift for the student of aquatic bodywork. It sees the body as at home in the water, hydrodynamic in its form and healing in the flow of movement. It understands the psyche as needing not only nurture and closeness, but space, freedom and acceptance of self-expression, as well. More than anything else, Healing Dance I is the wave. In addition to seven full-body waves the sequence encompasses various circles, figure eights and releases, all balanced by the stillness of positional sanctuaries and woven together with flowing transitions. The study of body mechanics extends beyond the familiar Horse and Warrior Stances to include different walking patterns that allow traveling across the pool. Healing Dance principles are discussed on land and practiced in the water. These include moving by example, creative imbalance, flow, the rhythmic field, invisible transitions and dosing movement. Finally, you are introduced to Relating and Mirroring, the goal of all technical study, the art of sensitively accompanying the movement impulses and unwinding of receivers. A written and photo manual are provided and an MP4 of the sequence is made available.
This is a core course in the Practitioner Certification. It is 50 hours in length over 6 days and serves as a prerequisite to Healing Dance II.Prerequisite: Introduction to Healing Dance, WATSU I, AQUATERNATIVES or other aquatic experience.About the Instructor: Claire Muskopf learned to swim before she learned to walk. Water unified and permeated most of her life. Aquatic bodywork has beautifully reconnected dance and that love of the water for her since 2007. Claire deepened her knowledge through her trainings, in Healing Dance, WaterDance™, Esalen Massage and Fluid Presence. Displaced from being a Healing Dance practitioner at Harbin Hot Springs, Claire is based in Hawaii where the ocean is a constant comforting and healing presence. Part mermaid, she has been known to say, “if I only had gills, I'd never get out of the water.” The fluidity of the body of work that is Healing Dance, the vocabulary it holds and the ease and care in which movement is offered to clients all provide great inspiration for her. Her playful spirit looks forward to sharing knowledge and exploration with you.Registration deadline 5/22Deposit: $300Class Fees: $900 - Early birds get a discount!
Accommodations are not included in the class fee.To register: Please contact Clairez at
aquatic.clairez@gmail.comRegister for this workshop, then make your Harbin Hot Springs lodging or camping reservations at: https://harbin.org/reservations.Download the May-June Harbin Healing Dance flyer.