Heart Consciousness

HCC Ministerial Program



Saturday, Feb. 2, 2025
At Imbolc we honor water. From the direction of the north east, the time between death and rebirth,the midpoint between winter and spring at the time when water is falling from the sky and flowing through the land, we honor Brigid, the keeper of the well, and the hearth, the goddess and patron saint of Springs, the keeper of the home fire and the forge.

We will explore the symbols and actions appropriate to the beginning of this part of the natural cycle and our relationship to the element of the moment. We will build the altar for the ceremony at hand. This is a show and tell moment please bring items related to this time of year as we acknowledge, participate and experience ourselves arising from the Earth.

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of Heart Consciousness Church, HCC Minister and long-time Harbin Quarterly editor, Ann Prehn, created a beautiful 60 page magazine with articles selected from the beloved "Quarterlies" capturing moments in time with bits of history, inspirational characters and a peek inside Harbin life from 1975 through 2025.

Harbin Hot Springs

A Spiritual Retreat Center
All are welcome here.
Harbin Hot Springs strives to provide a safe retreat sanctuary for guests.
We will not tolerate any form of harassment and/or discrimination.
Harbin is an alcohol and drug free retreat center.
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