Big Rebuilding News & Updates

September 22, 2022
Harbin Staff

We are excited to share recent rebuilding progress and new details about our upcoming plans. As you’ll read below, there is a lot going on and we anticipate the rebuilding phase will continue through 2024. Harbin’s land is still quite rustic since the fire of 2015 and new construction adds more unpredictability, such as unplanned power outages and road closures. We want to be sure you stay informed of any possible construction disruptions.

Luckily, Harbin also offers hundreds of acres of natural space to hike the hills, enjoy events, find quiet among the bubbling waterfall, sit by the creek, sleep under the stars, practice yoga, dance to a DJ and of course, soak in the springs. We hope if there is construction noise in one area you’ll feel inspired to wander and discover another special spot to enjoy.

Here are details of what to look forward to.

Health Services Restroom

We’ve already made much progress on the new Health Services Therapy Pool restroom, and by the time this is mailed to you, the windows and drywall will have most likely been installed. We expect this project will be completed this Autumn.

Fern Dressing Room and Steam Sauna

At the end of August we began work on the new Fern Dressing Room and Steam Sauna. This two-story building will be located in the pool area near the meditation pool, a similar location as the historic Fern building. The enclosed space will provide more lockers, bathrooms, and showers, and will be the location for the new steam sauna. (The rebuilt dry sauna is currently open.)

Prior to “breaking ground” for the new dressing room and steam room, Managing Director and Head Minister, Lia Findley Jennings, spent time at sunrise to honor and dedicate the construction space in this meaningful step in Harbin’s rebuilding process, just about seven years exactly since the Valley Fire in 2015.

If you visit frequently, you’ll have noticed the temporary changing room tent has been removed to make way for the new changing room building. When you arrive, head to the lower changing room below the deck, near the elevator.

We’ll be redirecting pathways as needed during construction. Our target for completing this project is Spring of 2023.


A new Restaurant will be rebuilt near the Events Trailer with a goal of opening in Autumn of 2023. Harbin’s restaurant offered amazing food, but it was much more than that, providing gathering space for laughter and conversation that could grow into connections and inspirations during a meal. While we can’t recreate the past we can provide space to help bring in a positive new future for generations to come.

Among the menu items, expect old favorites as well as healthy, on-trend meals with options for people of all dietary needs. The Restaurant will be open 24/7 and will have Wi-Fi, a water station with ice, and bathrooms. We’re excited to share this space with everyone.

Hotel Buildings

Architectural plans are now complete for two new Hotel Buildings along the hillside in similar locations as the historic Azalea and Walnut hotel buildings. These buildings will bring 32 guest rooms onto Mainside in Spring of 2024, offering guest accommodations just a short walk from everything: pools, events, food, and health services.

Meadow Kitchen

We’re excited to have the plans prepared for the new Meadow Guest Kitchen coming to the Meadow Area in the second half of 2024.

This enclosed kitchen and cooking space will offer guests a prep area for cooking meals while also providing gathering space for families and friends to eat and socialize in a spacious picnic-park setting. Located near the Grove Cottages, Caravans, Meadow tenting, and available for day visitors, the Meadow Kitchen will be a much welcomed addition for all!

Sustainable Building

Our talented Sonoma County architect, Lars Langberg, uses environmentally friendly materials and building strategies, helping make our vision of a future Harbin sustainable and earth friendly. It’s a dream becoming reality as we see plans come to life and feels like an important turning point in “Harbin’s History”.

When we look back, since the early days of “Harbin Springs” from the first fire in 1894 to the Valley fire of 2015, Harbin Hot Springs has always transformed itself, growing and evolving. We hope that even during this construction period in Harbin’s history you find what brings you joy when you visit: the hot spring water, clean air, spacious quiet hills, hiking trails, dancing with friends, and the peace of mind that comes from taking moments for self-care.

Harbin Hot Springs Employee Family Gathering 2022 ~ We welcome your positive envisioning as we bring into physical form these new spaces together

Electronics Reminder

Lastly, we urge all of our guests to PLEASE note our strict policy of no electronics anywhere except in designated areas. It goes without saying that electronic devices especially with cameras are not appropriate or acceptable in clothing optional locations. As accustomed as many of us are to keeping devices with us, it can be a habit difficult to break during your visit. We have provided an area for using electronics for the safety and comfort of all.

We encourage considering unplugging from technology as an “opportunity” and we hope you will too. Perhaps grab your favorite book or magazine for poolside reading when you pack for your visit. We have a lovely inspiring bookstore in Reception evocative of the much beloved bookstore of past years. Browse a very special, carefully curated collection of books to enjoy and treasure.

This was a lot of news for one newsletter! We will continue to share details about the building progress along the way to keep you informed of what to expect during your visits, and what to look forward to in years to come.

Please take a look at the new photos we’ve added to the photo page. We hope to see you here soon!

Harbin Hot Springs

A Spiritual Retreat Center
18424 Harbin Springs Rd., Middletown, CA 95461
Reservations: (707) 987-2477
Spa: (707) 987-2477 ext. 2000
Harbin Hot Springs strives to provide a safe retreat sanctuary for guests.
We will not tolerate any form of harassment and/or discrimination.
Harbin is an alcohol and drug free retreat center.
©2025 All Rights Reserved.
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