Spring Water

Pool Safety & Etiquette

Enjoy silent contemplation and tranquil relaxation.

For the privacy and safety of our guests, electronics are not allowed at the pool area or ANYWHERE clothing is optional. CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONICS may be used in designated areas only.
Please be sure to bring your own beach towels; Harbin provides them for sale only.
These spring waters are blended, heated, or cooled to produce and maintain the consistent temperatures that our guests have come to know and love – ranging from profoundly hot to chillingly cold, and perfectly in-between. The main warm pool is ideal for a long quiet soak. For the full experience, follow with a tension-relieving soak in the enclosed hot pool or trellis hot plunge and a breathtaking dip into the cold plunge. The heart-shaped pool is well-suited for quiet conversation. Cool off by swimming laps in the large swimming pool.

Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially when soaking.

Clothing Optional

Please be aware Harbin’s soaking pools and pool areas are clothing-optional.

In the tradition of Japanese onsens, Native American and European hot springs, Harbin’s pool areas are clothing-optional. This includes the pools, sauna, and surrounding sundecks. Nudity is common at the pools, but Harbin is not a nudist organization, and nudity is neither required nor expected of anyone. You’ll find that nudity is less common away from the pools, especially during cooler months.

We encourage you to choose whatever clothing option is most comfortable for yourself.

Clothing is always required in food service areas, events, dances, yoga classes, Reception office, Spa Services office, and anywhere within sight of the public road along our creek.

General Pool Area Rules

  • Please keep glass, breakables, and electronics away from the pool area.
  • All are required to shower with soap before using the pools, being especially careful to remove massage oils.
  • For our chemically sensitive guests, no scented oils, please.
  • Running, jumping or diving are not allowed in the pool area.
  • Quiet in the pool area from dusk to 10 am.
  • Do not use pools if you have an open wound, infectious skin rash, or if you were recently exposed to or have a skin rash from Poison Oak.
  • Please clear your belongings from the poolside and decks by sunset, or expect them to be removed for you and taken to Lost & Found.


Children under 18

  • Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Children may use the heart-shaped pool and large swimming pool only.
  • Children under three must wear plastic pants.
  • Children are allowed in the pool area from 10am to 8pm in the summer and 10am to dusk in the winter.
  • For more information about visiting with children please click here.


Pool Etiquette

Enjoy the quiet contemplation and relaxation these waters bring. Please notice signs designating a pool or area as a silent place, and limit sounds in neighboring areas to quiet conversations.

No photography. No electronics. For the privacy, comfort and safety of our guests in a clothing optional environment, cameras, electronics and cellphones are not permitted near the pool area. Electronics are allowed in the designated areas near the parking lot and food court.

Respect privacy and modesty. Many are sensitive about their bodies and not used to the vulnerability of nudity. Bathing suit or not, one inappropriate glance can be offensive enough to ruin another person's experience.

Sexual expression is not appropriate at the pool area. We love that Harbin is a romantic place for some guests, but know that physical expressions of love can cause great discomfort when on display. Please reserve all sexual activity for the privacy of your lodging.

Pool Safety



Dizziness and lightheadedness may result from overheating! It is recommended that persons who are new to hydrotherapy begin with no more than a 1 minute soak in the hot pool. Exit Pools carefully using handrails; carefully monitor the reaction of your body. Immediately sit or lie down for a few minutes if you are feeling dizzy or lightheaded.

Do Not Use Pools:

  • If you are experiencing dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea;

  • If you are fasting;

  • If you are pregnant.

Consult your physician and use caution if you:

  • Have a history of a seizure disorder;

  • Have experienced significant recent weight loss;

  • Have done heavy exercise on the day of a soak;

  • Have a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, circulatory problems;

  • Are on medications which cause drowsiness;

  • Are 65 years or older.

People taking anticoagulants or medications which cause drowsiness or interfere with the body’s temperature regulating mechanism should not use the Hot Pool without consulting their physician or pharmacist.

Do not use Alcohol or Drugs before soaking; it is extremely dangerous and may result in drowning.

Exercise: Do not engage in vigorous exercise prior to or during soaking. Do not use support bar in the Hot Pool for chin ups. A combination of the relaxing effect of hot water on muscles with exercise may result in passing out and drowning.

Please remember, the Warm and Hot Pools are the sanctuary at the center of Harbin. The Hot Pool, Cold Plunge, and Warm Pool are silent meditation areas. The pools are not a place to approach someone socially or sexually.


Harbin Hot Springs

A Spiritual Retreat Center
18424 Harbin Springs Rd., Middletown, CA 95461
Reservations: (707) 987-2477
Spa: (707) 987-2477 ext. 2000
Harbin Hot Springs strives to provide a safe retreat sanctuary for guests.
We will not tolerate any form of harassment and/or discrimination.
Harbin is an alcohol and drug free retreat center.
©2025 All Rights Reserved.
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